Small Deeds for Big Problems |  A community outreach program for the Texas Gulf Coast / The University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture

Students begin the semester by working with their stakeholders on an environmental improvement project, helping to heal the ongoing degradation of the coastal environment and in their own small way, making a better place for coastal residents. With over ninety-percent of the coastal prairie lost to over-development and cattle grazing; with most of the wetlands–nurseries for ocean life–now gone; and over ninety-five percent of sea grasses destroyed, the coast is under severe ecological strain. Add to that the trash, particularly plastics, that litters beaches and wetland edges; another damaging threat to natural habitats. And the bigger risks of global warming, particularly to our oceans, add to the complexity of concerns facing each Gulf Coast resident.

But the good news is that many community volunteer groups–non-profits, schools and concerned citizens, working with local government and park services–have risen to the occasion to improve the environmental health of the places they live. To lend a hand, DesignLab student’s partner with a local community group each semester to help reestablish a more resilient natural environment. Student’s have assisted with post-hurricane clean up and repair; gathered trash in sensitive wildlife refuges; replanted native coastal prairie grasses in over-grazed heritage preserves; planted sea grasses in degraded marshes; reestablished oyster reefs along shorelines experiencing rapid erosion; and helped reestablish healthy live oak communities in public parks. All this while learning first-hand about deep ecological contentedness, gaining a deeper understanding of their role in the global community through stewardship, and inspiring action in others to help preserve the natural environment.